Boundary Pageant
A look in and out of L.A.'s administrative districts
Boundary Pageant is a collaborative research project. The public face of Boundary Pageant is a series of workshops and talks (frequently held at Machine Project) given by a political organizers, artists, and land-use professionals. Each evening explores a different boundary through anecdote, map, argument, and diagram. Like a Powers of Ten for governance, the project will begin at Machine project’s property line and expand outwards to investigate the stories behind the shapes of census tracts, police precincts, water districts, and county lines.
BOUNDARY PAGEANT Extracurricular Outing: Katie Bachler takes us to Sunshine Canyon Landfill
7/6/12 -Friday the 13th
Join us for a tour of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill, a privately owned landfill in Sylmar that is used by the city. This landfill uses robust environmental protection measures including reclaiming water from waste drain off to use for dust control and irrigation on County roads. The landfill handles between 8 and 9,000 tons of trash per day, in an area of of 363 acres. Come learn more, and rove through the hills of sage scrub and past waste.
BOUNDARY PAGEANT #2: Census tracts and statistical citizenship
Thursday, February 23, 8pm
Please join us for a night of critical demography. Jerry Wong, Information Services Specialist for the Census Bureau's Los Angeles Regional Office of the US Census will unpack the history of tract #06037195, where Machine Project is located, and how the census knows what it knows. This presentation will be followed by a live skype interview with Matthew Hannah, author of "Dark Territory in the Information Age." Topics will include: the politics of (statistical) sampling, why filling out the census form might be more important than voting, how thousands of German citizens boycotted the 1983 census, and the radical forms of demography that sprang up around the German anti-census movement.
BOUNDARY PAGEANT #1: The L.A. Lot: Liz Falletta on "How I Spent Two-and-a-half Years Drawing Three Lines"
Thursday, February 23, 8pm
This first event will be an introduction to the project and a talk/workshop on property lines by designer, developer, and USC professor Liz Falletta. “How I Spent Two-and-a-half Years Drawing Three Lines,” will recount her work subdividing a plot of land in El Sereno.